Create an interaction which occurs on mouse cursor movement over an element
Add this custom code in to the before closing body tag of your site:
document.querySelectorAll('[data-tilt-to-mouse="1"]').forEach(function(trigger) {
var maxX = trigger.clientWidth;
var maxY = trigger.clientHeight; var centerX = maxX / 2;
var centerY = maxY / 2; var clientX = centerX;
var clientY = centerY;
var X_SENSITIVITY = parseFloat(trigger.getAttribute('data-tilt-to-mouse-x-sensitivity') || 1);
var Y_SENSITIVITY = parseFloat(trigger.getAttribute('data-tilt-to-mouse-y-sensitivity') || 1.6);
var X_OFFSET = parseFloat(trigger.getAttribute('data-tilt-to-mouse-x-offset') || 0);
var Y_OFFSET = parseFloat(trigger.getAttribute('data-tilt-to-mouse-y-offset') || 0);
var clamp = function(lower, upper, n) {
Math.min(Math.max(lower, n), upper);
function handleOrientation(event) {
var y = event.beta; // In degree in the range [-180,180]
var x = event.gamma; // In degree in the range [-90,90] clientX = centerX + (maxX * ((x / 90) + X_OFFSET)) * X_SENSITIVITY;
clientY = centerY + (maxY * ((y / 180) + Y_OFFSET)) * Y_SENSITIVITY;
trigger.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('mousemove', {
bubbles: true,
cancelable: false,
clientX: clientX,
clientY: clientY,
view: window,
isTrusted: true,
window.addEventListener('deviceorientation', handleOrientation);
Add the data attribute of "data-tilt-to-mouse" to the parent element which has the interaction bound to it (body element for full page) and set it equal to "1"
Publish your site and check it out on mobile devices with accelerometers